
Hey Folks,

I’m desperate for some sort of a creative outlet. I’m exhausted, over-worked and somehow, bored as hell. I’m your typical mom (except I don’t cook). I’m your typical real estate agent (except I get too involved). I’m your typical wife (except I’m very low maintenance).  I’m an animal lover, I don’t eat them yet I don’t want any in my home, (the fish can stay, it doesn’t give me any shit).  I have two beautiful and fairly annoying (adopted) kids. They are such joys one-on-one and when they are together they grate my very last nerve.

My father requires a ventilator to live. He’s been hospitalized since the end of August. He’s currently at the VA in Northport Long Island. I drive there 2x a week. It’s 68 miles away, (my truck is leased😬). Driving to and from LI from SI gives me too much time to think… and what to do with all of those thoughts?

I follow this “parenting” group on Facebook called Staten Island Parents Uncensored. It’s a mixture of people looking for recommendations, asshats putting SI residents on blast for bad driving and inconsiderate behavior, photos of children’s rashes and injuries with posters asking if they should take their children to the ER or if they can wait it out (I don’t know, i’m not a doctor) and other random bullshit. Sometimes it’s irritating, sometimes it’s entertaining, and it always keeps my newsfeed full of material to comment on.

I recently started doing a weekly recap of notable posts in the group. It’s been a big hit. There are some key players in the group that I love to roast, some posts that get a great deal of attention and some people I have grown to adore. I don’t personally know 99% of the people in the group (that might change this summer with a BBQ…that may or may not take place after losing Gina).  The recap inspired me to put my thoughts on paper (or screen in this case).  I hope to keep those, near and far, abreast of what’s going down in the group, my life, my job, my dad and my kids… with humor  💗

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