Hockey Friday

This morning, James left for school, dressed in his hockey jersey as I’m learning is protocol for kids on game day at his school. He seemed insecure at how big and baggy it was. He looked in his mirror and fiddled with his sleeves. I reminded him that he had four years to grow into it. As I said that, I wondered how much my nearly 6 foot tall, baby boy, could grow in the next four years. He grabbed a tie that matched and tied it before my eyes, talking about how busy his day is today. Three tests, a baseball workout and a 9:30 hockey game in Brooklyn. Oh and, am I going to his game? I said yes and cringed at the thought of getting home at midnight and having a full day of tours tomorrow. Oh my. It’s the first game though, it will be fun. I think. 😆
When James was in second grade, we were told to take him out of hockey altogether, and not him let him play contact sports, to go on a trampoline, a roller coaster… anything that could cause whiplash. Because of his Chiari. So we kept him away from this sport that he loved so much for so long. He was just cleared in August to play again. It’s been a wonderful relief for us all and he’s just getting his confidence back again.
He wouldn’t let me take his photo as he left for school looking as handsome as I’ve ever seen him. But he did look pleased that I requested one and even tried to sneak one. 😆 The time goes by so quickly, I’m trying to remember to cherish every moment. 💙💙

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