Living his best life

Yesterday, James lived his best life. The first two weekends of freshman year have been freedom and fun filled. He headed over to the Saint peters game with a friend wearing his red white and blue ensemble which was the theme of the football game. He thought about wearing a second amendment themed American flag as a cape, and I was relieved in the end when he decided to keep it home. I’m not really sure what the guidelines are regarding wearing flags, but I wasn’t feeling it. football games are long, and when the game was over I was walking Penny up Henderson Avenue and happened to see him and his group of friends walking down the street. It was a nice opportunity to watch him interact before he knew I was watching him. He and his friends were challenging each other to see who could jump to touch the highest signs. It’s a bit loud and obnoxious, but it’s harmless. He had about 8 of his friends come back to the house. They waited outside and he threw them each a bottle of water while he went upstairs and changed for round two of his day. It was hot out. I told him they were all welcome to go in the pool if they wanted to and I would order pizza. He said they had other plans. I encouraged him to change out of his thick, American flag, polyester socks that he was wearing that went mid calf. They were making me sweat just looking at them. The heels weren’t even in the correct position and the toes weren’t lined up. They were driving me crazy. But he liked them that way. Then, they headed down to Empire Outlets by bus. Wow. At least they are a big group. I really worry about crazy people out there in the world. He called to ask me if it was OK that he treat his friend to lunch, because his friend had treated him to lunch the other day, but he didn’t feel comfortable using Apple Pay for something close to $20. Im really grateful he thinks to ask, for now:-) From there he visited his dad at the ball park who was working security at a NYPD/NYFD Boxing event. Then they walked up to Curtis HS and watched that football game! That’s a giant hill to climb. It can only be conquered with sheer determination. Ha! BTW thank goodness for find my i phone so I could track his many moves:-) They came back here hungry. It was supposed to be two of them but then they were six. I ordered just enough sushi to not break my bank but to give them a taste of something yummy. I supplemented with plates of nachos loaded with melted cheese and salsa. It was a true coming together of the cultures at my coffee table, on the screen porch. I tend to get so caught up in the future, or in the past, that I forget about the present. But I didn’t last night. I reminded myself that this is life, and it’s as good as it gets. Here I have a beautiful group of kids so grateful to have a snack, and they are here in the safety of my home. I looked around at all of their happy faces as they devoured their last plate of nachos before they headed out to another stop just before 11 PM.
They walked over to Oakland Avenue to my college BFF’s house to hang in the yard. I also got to meet the infamous kid who I have been hearing about for the last five years. The kid is some kind of legend or something. I didn’t think much of it until I met him myself. I can see where all of the adoration comes from. The kid is strong, looks tough, seems like a leader, he knows how to fight, he’s an excellent athlete, and between his hairstyle and his outfit he looked just like a 1950s greaser to me and I thought he was pretty bad ass. Now I get it… James walked back home before 1130. He hopped in the shower and went to bed, he’s living his best life ever. I’m so happy I get to watch.

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