Many years ago, I owned this pale green cashmere sweater that I loved. It had a tiny little pocket and a little zip up and a hood as well. Well one night, just before we headed out to dinner at Adobe Blues, I saw a marble on the floor of my house and thought to myself that it could be a choking hazard, for my kids or my dog. True story, my little dog Sammy actually ate one once, and $1000 later, they removed it for us, surgically. So when I saw the marble, it put in my pocket. The tiny little pocket on the front of my pale green, cashmere sweater.

Today as I was leaving to go to the office to meet with our tech guy to fix an e-mail issue I’ve been having, I saw a little stone on my table. My neighbor on shelter Island gave it to me recently. It’s a tiger’s eye, and it’s supposed to protect you against other people’s negativity. I thought it was possible it could get knocked onto the floor somehow and become a choking hazard. I also thought that if I could ward off some negativity with a stone, it’s a home run. So I picked that little stone up, and I tucked it into the front of my tank top, and I was on my way.

You would’ve thought that I had learned my lesson of picking up tiny round objects and stuffing them into the front of my shirt, years ago, when the waiter at Adobe gave me one very quizzical look after he noticed I had what looked like a singular gigantic nipple.

So today after this young man was finished fixing my problem and showed me that I can in fact send emails successfully from my new phone, I stood up such a happy lady. I glanced into the mirror in front of me and what did I see?

One singular, gigantic nipple.

Be sure to watch the placement of small rounded objects in tiny pockets on the front of your shirt, especially if you’re a woman. What’s stranger than gigantic nipples showing through a shirt?
Just one gigantic nipple.

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