Life, death and everything in between…

Recent questions James has asked on the way to school. “What do you want me to do with your ashes someday?” “Do cemeteries contribute to water pollution?” (We pass a cemetery everyday on the way). How many eggs is a woman born with?” “What are some types of mental illness and if someone has multiple personalities, do they know it?” “If you could only choose one thing on your bucket list, what would it be?” “Are people born with their fears or do they develop them?”

It’s a 10 minute drive to school. I don’t have all the answers. When I don’t, we ask Siri. Which led to the question, “Before Siri and Google, how did humans get answers to questions.”

Then I started to explain the encyclopedia to him. ….”how did people with small houses fit encyclopedias?” “How did the writers of encyclopedias get their information?” “Do you think every useful invention has already been invented?”

“Why James? Do you think you want to be an inventor?” ….”no, just wondering. “

Then Bella chimes in from the backseat,”Maybe you guys could just be quiet for once.” 😆😆

Our drive to middle school will be shorter next year. I think I’m gonna miss this.

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