Put a fondue fork in me…

It’s feeling like a Friday the 13th. So far today has sucked royally and it’s not even 11am. I have water dripping through the front foyer of my house through a light fixture. You can’t catch the drips in buckets because these fuckers like to spread out and rain down their destruction. There are several bubbles of water forming and I pop them before they get too big with a fondue fork attached to the back of my Swiffer sweeper. The roof guy is “not on Staten Island today.” But he lives here. And his kids go to school here, but he’s somehow not around. Not even for a tarp. He fixed it in the fall, I’m a repeat customer. The ceiling in there is definitely going to fall down before the end of the day.

I cried a little.

When leaving to drive James to school this morning, I accidentally drove over a giant garbage bag and dragged it down the street. I then reversed the car, freed the bag, put my car in park in the middle of the street, and tried to get my best grip on the now very torn, very heavy, very wet garbage bag filled with construction debris. I gathered it up, held it gently and ran it back up the street and into my pail. That whole experience really sucked.

Later, I was lucky enough to discover all the places my new basement takes in water.

Penny keeps ringing her potty bell to go out and every time I take her out she won’t pee.

I’m having a horrible, miserable, no good, shitty as can be, day.

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